Farewell For Now, WordPressers

I started my own YouTube channel to document the beginning of my career in the military, and posted my latest video which you can view here.

My hair is cut, bags are packed and I’m ready to depart for basic. With that said, my blog won’t be updated for awhile. My phone won’t even see the light of day until the end of July. I feel as if I’m about to vanish from society, but I’m a little relieved to unplug and start from scratch.

Writing has been my creative outlet, my source of venting, and my way of offering a new perspective. My education had a huge influence on my love for writing, so has writing in a journal every day since I started college. I threw some journals away, too embarrassed by my terrible grammar and spelling. I also couldn’t stand reading about my past relationships or crushes.

When I noticed how pathetic my written voice was, I bought new journals and directed my writing on topics and people who mattered. I wrote about friends and family who deserved to be in my pages. They were worth my time and energy. I wasted too many pieces of paper on the same guys throughout college. It was no wonder I made the same mistakes over and over again. By definition, I was crazy; doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. It was my journaling and introspection that made me see where I went wrong, so I started to change my behavior.

Blogging has been an interesting transition from the journal. I took a Writing in the Public Sphere class in my last quarter of college, and learned how to use WordPress. We worked in groups to name our blogs and what issues we would cover. My group of two other young ladies was wonderful. I loved working with them. We had similar interests and anger towards the mistreatment of women in the Middle East, and were intrigued by the power of citizen journalism. We didn’t realize it at the time, but that’s exactly what we were.

Every single one of us is a citizen journalist. What we witness, what we post, and what we share makes us a small part of the media. Newsrooms receive their information from many sources and press releases. Most often, that source comes from an ordinary citizen who just so happens to be in the middle of the action.

I know it’s a cliche, but it’s incredible how rapid information spreads, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. If anything, it’s only spreading faster.

It’s exciting to think that I will be in the center of military communication and corresponding information to the public. Blogging has been an effective way to practice my thinking and how I speak publicly.

This has been my writing sphere. I am enthusiastic to reach that next level of writing and spread important news.

Until then, it’s time to kick ass.

5 thoughts on “Farewell For Now, WordPressers

    1. Thank you for commenting! I am out of basic training now (graduated yesterday) and will certainly make another post talking about my experience in more detail to give those who are interested in joining some incite.


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